Choose Life Tags
Grant Mississippi’s Unborn Babies a ‘LICENSE TO LIVE’
by Helping Their Mothers “Choose Life!”
Purchase A Tag
Over 30 MS Pregnancy Care Centers receive funding from the sale of the Choose Life specialty tags.
Our centers provide for the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and MEDICAL needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Browse our helpful resource links. Apply for a FREE Choose Life MS Discount Prescription Drug Card.
Help us reach out with compassion to meet the needs of mothers and children throughout Mississippi.
The Pregnancy Resource Act
The Pregnancy Resource Act recognizes the vital work of pregnancy centers and allows businesses to redirect their tax dollars to invest in the life-saving work of serving women who are in crisis situations. This groundbreaking law reserves $10 million in annual tax credits for eligible donations. Businesses receive the tax credit for their qualifying donations to pregnancy centers.
Buy a Tag and Help Women Choose Life!
The mission of Choose Life Mississippi is to financially support Mississippi Pregnancy Care Centers and Adoption Agencies with the funds raised from the sale of the Choose Life and Adoption specialty tag.

Purchase Your Choose Life Tag
Grant Mississippi’s Unborn Babies a LICENSE TO LIVE by Helping Their Mothers “Choose Life!”
Take your current license plate to your local tag office and order a new Choose Life Tag for $31. You don’t even have to wait until your current tag expires. It’s just that easy! Your new tag will be mailed to you within a week.

Over 30 MS Pregnancy Care Centers receive funding
from the sale of the Choose Life specialty tags.
Mississippi’s Pregnancy Resource Centers
Many women feel overwhelmed when facing an unplanned pregnancy. But there are safe places in Mississippi for these women to consider their options. At Mississippi’s pregnancy resource centers, each woman is encouraged to continue her pregnancy and develop a parenting plan. Whether she chooses to parent her child or place her child in the loving arms of adoptive parents, our centers help her make a decision both she and her unborn child can live with.

License to live – Choose Life Tags
Each quarter Choose Life MS sends pregnancy care centers and adoption agencies monetary grants for their operating expenses to keep their doors open to women who need safe places to go for physical, emotional, and spiritual support in their unplanned pregnancies.
Your DECISION to purchase a specialty tag contributes to the size of the grant given to your local care center.