An unborn baby is a human life.
Our Mission
Raise funds from the sale of Choose Life specialty license plates to provide MS Pregnancy Resource Centers grants to support them in meeting the physical, emotional, and medical needs of women in unplanned pregnancies.
About Choose Life Mississippi
• 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Corporation
• Governed by a Board of Directors
• Registered with Secretary of State
By purchasing a specialty tag, you will be supporting pregnancy resource centers across Mississippi. They meet the physical, emotional and medical needs of women providing free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and compassionate, sound advice about pregnancy.
By purchasing a Choose Life or Adoption tag, you will be supporting pregnancy resource centers across Mississippi.
Choose Life Tag
Grant Mississippi’s unborn babies a “License to Live” by helping their mothers “Choose Life.” Simply take your current tag to your local tag office and order a new Choose Life tag for just $31.
You don’t even have to wait until your current tag expires! The new Adoption Tag can be ordered online for $31 by clicking on the Adoption Tag button. It’s that easy!
Many women feel overwhelmed when facing an unplanned pregnancy. But there are safe places in Mississippi for these women to consider their options.

Mississippi Resource Pregnancy Centers
Many women feel overwhelmed when facing an unplanned pregnancy. But there are safe places in Mississippi for these women to consider their options.
At Mississippi’s pregnancy resource centers, each woman is encouraged to continue her pregnancy and develop a parenting plan. Whether she chooses to parent her child or place her child in the loving arms of adoptive parents, our centers help her make a decision both she and her unborn child can live with.
Our pregnancy centers provide for the PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and MEDICAL needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies empowering them to choose life.